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Member Support

  • Having Problems with your account?
  • Experiencing difficulty using the website?
  • Have a question about Plan Academy’s features?

Review the FAQ’s below for the most common questions from members:

How do I cancel my Plan Academy membership?
Please use the support request for at the bottom of this page to submit a cancellation request.
How does the 30-day money-back guarantee work?
We’re pretty sure you will get tons of value and resources accessible to your with your account. In case you don’t agree, we’ll give you a full refund within the first 30-days of your membership. No questions asked.

Just use the support request form at the bottom of this page to submit a request to cancel your account within the first 30-days and we’ll provide you with a full refund, hassle-free.
How can I update my credit card information?
If we’re having trouble processing your payment, you have to update your credit card information on your accounts page when logged in. Watch this video on how to update your credit card.
I have questions about the course i signed up for.
We’re happy to answer course-specific questions in the Community.

If your question isn’t answered above, please get in touch with our support team and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.

  • Contact Us

Phone: +1-877-626-2690

Email: Info@planacademy.com

Business Hours: Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 4:30pm EDT